BarentsNight She Got The Look "Sophie", CGN, RN, RI, RA, RE, DJ, DN, DS
# 956000011053796 AKC # WS64509001 new CKC # GG0010372 UKC temp # TL053423
Born: April 3, 2019
Sire : Multi CH, GCH AKC, GCH CKC Medvezhya Staya Indiana Jones
"Kiro", TT, CGN Top BRT in Canada 2017, 2018 HU: N/N; JLPP: Clear
Dam : GCH CKC, CH CKC, CH UKC, CH FCC BarentsNight Light My Fire "Gaby", CGN,TT HU: N/N; JLPP: Clear
Sophie is young female, playful and outgoing. Curious girl looking for people attention.
Smart and easy learning. Very proportional with nice and rich coat. Beautiful and gentle dark eyes.
Very friendly with people and with any kind of animals.
 JLPP: Clear and HU: N/N by parents Sophie Health Page See Page
Sophie's Achievements

- Sophie Diving Class Video Watch Video
- Sophie diving Watch video
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  Dog Ranch Inc., North Gower August 5-6, 2022
Sophie 5 splashes. New title DS |  Brockville, TIKO August 19-20/2022
Sophie 3 Rally triales. Sophie received 3 legs and title Rally Excelent |
 June 17 and 19, 2022. Dog Ranch Inc.
After Sophie 5 Splashes she received new title - DN Also new titles CGN | 
5 Splashes in Dog Ranch August 5-7, 2022. Sophie new title - DS
  Cornwall District Kennel Club. September 3/2021. Sophie received 2 moreRally Novice legs. Scor 97 and 98 from 100 and new RN title.
|  Belleville, March 19-20 4 CKC Sophie Rally trials
Trials #1 and #2 - Judge: Marie-Johanne Cloutier. Sophie got 96 ponts and 90, Trials #3 and 4. Sophie got 100 and 99 points
Two days of trials and Sophie finished RI and RA.
 |  CKC show July 19-20, 2021 So happy for my girl first show for 2 years. She did great for dog, who never took handling classes. Four shows and 4 BOB
 September 7/2019 Oakville ON.
Sophie 1st CKC - Show #1 Sophia won - First;
- Black Russian terrier Specialty she won: 1st Baby Puppy and First- Sweepstakes she won: First as well | 5 Splases 
Sophie Diving Class Video Watch Video
During Covid-19 and no shows we decided to find something exciting to do for our girl Sophie-
diving class in Dog Ranch August 27/2020.
TIKO. Brockville, August 17-18/2019. |
Long Sault ON, CKC Sanction Match, August 24/2019. Long day for Sophie but she was great and won:
Group 1st in Working Group