
Born : December 2nd, 2010 Sire: CH Sora's Duke Ostrowski BH, CD, CGN, TT, HIC Dam : BarentsNight Viscountess Vikki
AKC: WS36170901 Owner : Ania Ostrowski London, ON
Contact email : aqua_3_2000@hotmail.com
Puma is absolutely stunning female. Great and stable temperament. Strong build body, perfect black rich coat,
black eyes, prefect pigment, beautiful bite with perfect white teeth. Wide low and upper jaws. Very proportional with great angulation.
Very friendly with people, kids and series with other dogs but never aggressive. Loves to play and live active life.
Devoted to her owner. Weight 130 pounds, 173 cm tall.
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- Victoria County Kennel Club, Lindsay, April 28-29, 2012, Puma won : BOB x 2

- Ontario Breeders Association, Feb.18-19, 2912 Puma won:
BOW x 3, W x 3 Congratulation Puma and Anna with great job and Puma's new CKC CH title at age 15 months old.

The Purina National March 10, 11, 2012 Puma won :
RWB x 2
- Fergus, Guelph & District Kennel Club, April 21-22, 2012
Puma won : BOB x 2
 - Ontario London Canine Association, October 14-16, 2011
Puma won : BOB x 3, BPB x 3
|  - Trillium Dog Fanciers, October 29-30 , 2011. Puma won : 1st, BP, BOB
|  - KENT Kennel Club, Chatham, November 18-20, 2011. Puma won : BOB x 6, BPIB x 6 and made one cut in group.
 - Rare Breed Club, July 9-10, 2011 Barentsnight Charm of Russia (Puma) won : 2 x 1st, 2 x BP
 - Orono County Kennel Club, June 10 - 12, 2011 Puma won : - 2 x BB, - 2 x BP, 2 x WB, - 1 x RW, - 2 x 1st
 - Bobcaygeon Kennel Club, June 28-29, 2011 Puma won : - 1st x 4, - WB x 4, - BPIB x 4